Monday, June 16, 2014

24 Hour pH probe

Like the title says, Grant is doing a 24 hour pH probe test today.  It involves them sticking a sensor that looks like a tube down his nose and the other ends connects to a little device that records his reflux for 24 hours.

We got up at 5:30am so we could be at the hospital at 6:30am.  The probe was placed at 8:30am.  We had his arms put in splints to keep him from pulling at the tube.  I later took off the right arm splint. 

Other than him being very unhappy, it has been annoying for me too.  I have to be very careful to not pull on the tube.  I also have to record everytime he eats, coughs, gags, throws up, and lays down.  That involves pressing buttons on his recorder and writing them down on a piece of paper.  By 4pm I already needed a second piece of paper...

I made the mistake of keeping our other appointments today.  That means at 10:30am he had physical therapy and at 2pm he had an occupational therapy evaluation to add additional services to our regular routine.

He cried. And cried.  And cried some more.  He was not able to calm down no matter how many times I sung, "Baa baa black sheep".  It was very rough on all of us.

Tomorrow morning he gets to have the probe removed.  Unfortunately he has a gastric emptying study to see if his stomach empties too slowly.  I'm pretty sure it does because he is always sloshing around hours after meals.

These tests are because of all of his vomiting.  He will also likely need an endoscopy with stomach biopsies when we get back from vacation.

Here is a picture of my unhappy boy:

Monday, June 9, 2014

Puking and fun weekend times!

Grant has been having a lot of issues puking lately.  We have been having issues for a couple months now with the severity and frequency of symptoms varying.  This last week has been pretty bad.  He is gagging, dry heaving, and puking at almost every breakfast and the occasional other meals too.

We had to change outfits twice today and I'm worried about him.  His meal volume has stayed the same for the last 15 months along with the frequency as well.  When we get home we have a 24 hour pH probe, a delayed gastric emptying study, and an endoscopy with a biopsy scheduled.  He has already had the upper GI and ultrasound done with negative results.

We didn't let all the puking keep us down!  We had a fun weekend.  Saturday I got to meet up with 3 moms from my online birth month board I talk so much about.  We had a little play date at one of their houses.  Grant did well, but it was really eye opening to see what typically developing kids are like and the things they can do.

My mother-in-law, Grant, and I went to the Detroit zoo on Sunday.  It was a very large zoo, but the animals were few and far between.  We got to watch a short 4D movie there.  The movie was cool!  The 4th dimension was physical.  Water splashed us in the face, our seats vibrated, and bubbles blew through the air.  We also each took a turn on the carousel and we took two trips on the train.  I was most excited to see the rhinoceros because we don't have any at our zoo.  It was really incredible to see.  Overall, I think our local zoo is better, but  glad we went.

We head back home this Friday!


Friday, June 6, 2014


Today is the last day of EuroPeds this week.  He still has one more week of therapy before we go home.  I haven't gotten to witness all of his progress so far because he does better for the therapist if I wait in the waiting room. 

I have been told that he has rolled independently a full 360° starting on his back.  Previously he would roll off his belly when placed, but never would roll onto his belly.  She has gotten him to push into sitting using his arm.  Previously he would try to sit without using his arms and obviously he wasn't successful.  There are other things he has made progress in, but it is hard to explain.

They have amazing equipment here.  He gets to wear SPIO which is compression gear that helps him stay calm.  Check out more information here.  He has access to gait trainers, the universal equipment unit (the cage he is in during the jumping video below) and special adaptive bikes.  It is really amazing that they have so much.  It is shocking how little other therapy places in town have considering how much you (or insurance) pays for therapy.

Below are some videos!

Jumping Jumping!:

Walking Grant walking:

Biking Riding a bike:

Hopefully I have more to share soon!  I'll leave you with some pictures of the murals here.